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Improving the security of communications networks

Wireless security is often considered a topic for technical experts, but the truth is that everyone who uses a wireless network should know...

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Improving the security of communications networks

Wireless security is often considered a topic for technical experts, but the truth is that everyone who uses a wireless network should know...

Explanation of the open systems connectivity model

Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) is a fundamental concept in the world of computer networking. It provides a framework for standardizing t...

Communications network engineering and specializations

Communications network engineering Network Engineering: The engineer specializes in maintaining effective network connectivity in terms of d...

Fifth Generation Technology: What is 5G? What is 5G

The fifth-generation network is the most advanced type of communication network . As you know, there are many networks. Today we will expla...

What is Ethernet: uses, types, advantages and disadvantages

Ethernet  What is Ethernet Ethernet is a system for connecting computers and electronic devices in a local network, allowing them to excha...

Radio waves: definition, types, uses, and examples

A lot of confusion occurs when hearing the term “radio waves.” Some people think that it only means the waves that the radio receives from r...

What does data encryption mean? With examples

Practices for enhancing cybersecurity in institutions have varied with the increasing need for institutions for strong cybersecurity that pr...