What is a local area network or area network? LAN

 We know two things about a local area network just by looking at the name. It is the abbreviation (Local Area Network). Devices on these networks are connected, and they are local. It is this local part that actually defines the LAN and distinguishes it from other types of networks, such as wide area networks (WAN) and metropolitan area networks (MANs).

What is a local area network or area network? LAN
What is a local area network or area network? LAN

Definition of local network

It is a group of computers, peripherals, and devices connected together in a common communications line. The radius of this network reaches one kilometer, and it is called LAN, which is an abbreviation for local area network. It covers a small geographical area for networks, for example, the home, office, or groups of buildings such as the school network. The network is used to connect computers and other network devices so that the devices can communicate with each other to share resources.

The various devices in the network are connected to central devices called (Hub or Switch) using a cable. Local networks are installed using wireless technologies. The system uses an access point or access point to send and receive data and information. One computer in the network can become a server that serves all the remaining computers. Which are called clients.

LAN, which is a small network compared to a WAN, covers small areas such as a room, office, building, university campus, etc. It is not limited to the presence of computers on the LAN, but it is also possible to connect printers and any other devices that can share them. For example, if you connect a printer to a LAN and set it up to share among all network users, all computers connected to the network can send what they want to print to the printer.

Local network features

There is a set of features that distinguish the local area network, as companies and organizations tend to use the LAN.

  1. Speed of communication and the ability to share files, etc., between employees and customers.
  2. Information systems control. Example: In a hospital, a LAN allows access to one main database from all departments, which means no duplication of data.
  3. There is complete consistency and agreement in the data.
  4. LAN allows the sharing of expensive hardware and tools.
  5. LAN allows users to share software licenses for consistency and cost savings.
  6. It is a private network and is never controlled by an external regulatory body.
  7. It operates at a comparatively higher speed compared to other networking systems.
  8. There are different types of ways to control media access.

What types of technologies are used in a LAN?

Most LANs today operate with Ethernet, which is a protocol that controls the way data and information are transferred from one device to another on the Internet. With the development of wireless communication networks, the “LAN” network became wireless and was known as “WLAN”, which is an abbreviation for wireless local area network.

The main protocol that controls communication and transfer between WLAN networks is known as the “WiFi” protocol. Wireless LANs also work with Bluetooth technology, but they are very limited.

The types of information technology used in a LAN depend on the number of devices and services provided on the network. The basic types of communication used in modern local networks are:

  1. Ethernet cables.
  2. Wi-Fi network.

  • In the LAN of small offices, or even in homes; You may find a modem that provides an Internet connection or a basic firewall against hacking from the Internet, a router that allows other devices to share this connection and connect to each other, and a Wi-Fi network.
  • A Wi-Fi access point allows devices to access the network wirelessly. Sometimes, these functions are combined in one device. For example, many Internet service providers (ISPs) offer a combination unit that acts as a modem, router, and wireless access point.
  • Sometimes, you may also find devices called switches that allow you to split a single Ethernet connection into multiple connection points. In larger LANs, you will typically find the same types of networking equipment, just on a much larger scale in terms of the number of devices used and how powerful they are.
  • For example, routers and switches may serve many simultaneous connections, provide more secure monitoring options, and allow for greater customization as well. Professional-grade Wi-Fi access points often allow multiple devices to be managed from a single interface and provide better access control.

What are the LAN setup requirements?

  1. Computers and adapters equipped with the appropriate NICs. Example: All Ethernet LAN devices will need to have Ethernet cards or adapters to connect to the cable. As for WiFi devices, they all need a WiFi adapter.
  2. A major device such as a hub, router, gateway, or bridge.
  3. Connection cables, which are wired in the case of a LAN network.
  4. LAN management software, which is a modern operating system that has a service program for proper management of networks.

LAN network design

Computer network topology is the basic communication structure for the elements of a LAN, which designs network technologies. Understanding this planning mechanism gives us an additional idea about how networks work.

Local area networks have three basic types of designs: the star design, the ring design, and the unified bus network. There are also hierarchical networks and connected rings.

The extent of the LAN

  • A LAN includes one or two computers and even thousands of devices. Some devices, such as servers and printers, remain permanently connected to the “LAN,” while portable devices: such as laptops and phones, these devices join and leave the network at different times.
  • Both techniques are used to build a LAN and its physical size is determined by its purpose. For example, the size of a Wi-Fi local network is determined by the area covered by individual access points, while Ethernet local networks tend to expand by the area that personal Ethernet cables can cover.
  • In both cases, the LAN can extend the range to cover a larger area when needed, by combining multiple access points or switches. Knowing that different types of networks can cover larger areas, such as “MAN” and “CAN”.
  •  Computer network planning (topology) is the basic communication structure for the elements of a LAN, which designs network technologies. Understanding this planning mechanism gives us an additional idea about the way networks work. Local area networks have three basic types of designs: the star design, the ring design, and the unified bus network. There are also hierarchical networks and connected rings.

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