What is a Regional Network (MAN)? With examples

What is a Regional Network (MAN)?

What is a Regional Network (MAN)?

Regional networks are used in relatively medium geographical areas to connect one or two neighboring cities. Optical fibers or digital means are used to connect this type of network, as this technology provides high speeds. MAN networks can contain many LANs and are characterized by speed and effectiveness. Their disadvantages are that they are expensive and difficult to maintain.

The regional network can operate very quickly to allow real-time sharing of linked resources. The regional network provides sharing capabilities and access to the wide network, and regional networks usually connect many local telecommunications networks.

MAN urban network construction techniques

The MAN urban network relies on different technologies to build the network, and the most commonly used technologies are ATM, FDDI, and SMDS.

  1.  ATM (abbreviation for Asynchronous Transfer Mode), is considered a digital technology for transferring data and information, and the most widely used among the technologies. It was developed in 1980 to improve the transmission of real-time data within a single network and works with a cell relay system in which data is divided into fixed packets of equal length. The goal of ATM is to deliver clear audio and video during live video conferences. These properties have enabled ATMs to become the basis of extended networks.
  2. ATM combines the features of circuit switching and packet switching, allowing it to transmit even real-time data.
  3.   The FDDI standard is concerned with transferring data within a LAN network and can reach a maximum distance of 200 km. It helps support the transmission of data to thousands of users, which is why it is referred to as MAN technology, and uses optical fibers in its infrastructure, which is why it is called a “fiber distributed data interface”.
  4. SMDS: We use this technology when data is transmitted over a connectionless service, which includes data being transferred by storing information in the header and arriving at its destination independently across any network.
  5. When data is transmitted using SMDS technology, it forms small packets like ATM technology. This technology allows data to be transferred over large geographical areas in the form of datagrams.

How the MAN urban network works

MAN, as mentioned earlier, is located between a LAN and a WAN, and usually exists to connect geographically separate LANs together. Therefore, the goal of MAN is to improve communication between two independent LAN nodes. MAN usually uses optical fiber (which increases the speed and efficiency of data transfer). Today, infrared and shortwave signals are used. Routers and switches are also used.

A switch is a port that is often included in the design and is effective in handling filtered data that comes to it, usually in the form of frames. Each adapter acts as a dual port, while the router is another device to facilitate network connection. It helps direct data packets to where they need to go.

The difference between LAN, MAN, and WAN

  • LAN: It consists of a group of computers and devices linked together. Usually within the same building. The communication between them should be high-speed and relatively expensive.
  • MAN network: Usually larger, extending over several buildings in the same city or town.
  • WAN: Similar to a MAN, but it is not restricted to a single geographic area, state, or country borders, and may extend over several countries. A WAN connects multiple LANs. It may be limited to an institution (or organization alone) or available to the public. It is characterized by high speed and expensive, and the Internet is considered an example of a global public WAN.

Benefits of the MAN urban network

  1. Less expensive: Compared to a WAN, it also enjoys the ease and efficiency of managing the database in a centralized manner.
  2. Send local email for free and fast.
  3. Faster than WAN: It uses optical cables, which simply reach a speed of 1000 MB, which means transferring data and files at high speed.
  4. Internet Sharing: On some MAN extensions, users can share their Internet connection. That is, multiple users can access the Internet at the same high speed.
  5. Easy switching from LAN to MAN: MAN is the fastest way to connect two fast LANs together. The reason is due to the fast structure of links.
  6. Security: MAN has a high level of security compared to WAN

Examples of the urban network MAN

  • Digital cable televisions.
  • Networks used in government offices.
  • University buildings.
  • Several branches of a local school arrived.
  • In hospitals, establishing communication between medical personnel, scientific research offices, and laboratories.
  • Fire station network.
  • Airports.
  • Connecting several colleges within the country.
  • Public libraries.

Disadvantages of the MAN urban network

  1. Difficulty in controlling it: If the urban network MAN expands, it becomes difficult to control it. This is due to security issues and other additional architectures.
  2. Internet speed varies: The MAN network does not operate with traditional copper telephone wires. If it is installed on it, its speed will be very slow, which will require the installation of optical cables, which will cost a lot the first time.
  3. Exposure to hacking: There are greater chances of being attacked by hackers compared to a LAN. Which makes data vulnerable to hacking. Data can remain safe in it, but it requires expert staff and security tools.
  4. Setting up the MAN urban network requires specialists: Network installation requires technical people to be done correctly.
  5. Need for additional wiring: The need for additional MAN cables to connect the two LANs is another problem.

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